Digital Transactions mission is to chronicle and explain the revolution sweeping through the consumer electronic transactions market in North America. We do this by providing the most informative and comprehensive publications serving the consumer electronic transactions market. We are committed to covering all networks (including credit, debit, check imaging and exchange, and automated clearinghouse) as well as both the issuing/originating and acquiring parts of the market. We further accomplish our mission by relying on a staff of highly capable professional journalists who have years of experience covering the consumer electronic transactions market. With over 21,000 BPA audited subscribers Digital Transactions reaches top executives from financial institutions, retailers and ISO’s. In addition to our highly distributed magazine we also produce a daily newsletter Digital Transactions News which is emailed to over 14,500 subscribers every Friday. is our web site providing daily updates on events changing the consumer electronic transaction market.
Digital Transactions
Bob Jenisch
800 Roosevelt Road
Building B Suite 212
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
PH: 877.658.0418